Friday, August 12, 2011

A Little of Everything – Birthday Week Continues

Would birthday week be complete without a little bit of the tough stuff that Little Angel occasionally deals with?  Last night she had another sleep test.  We are hoping the results will mean that she doesn’t have to have oxygen at night anymore.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Learning and Laughing - Birthday Week Continues

Little Angel loves to learn.  She is always looking around her or trying to get into things.  I love it.  She is also the happiest baby I have ever seen.  We love her smile and her laugh.  She looks for the person not engaged or paying attention to anything and focuses on them until she catches their eye and then she gives them her big smile.  It has been fun to watch how much she cares for peoples feelings even at this young age.  Here are some examples from her first year. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It’s Birthday Week

Our Angel

Can you believe it!!  Sunday our Little Angel will be turning one.  What a wonderful year it has been.  This week I will be posting some of the highlights.


Having her in the NICU was so hard.  Looking back at it now after getting to know her makes it seem even harder.  She proved from the get go that she is very patient and long suffering.

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The girls couldn’t wait for Little Angel to arrive and they haven’t stopped loving her for one second the entire year.  Little Angel couldn’t have asked for a better set of big sisters.


She loved her swing.  It was her preferred napping spot.


Little Angel introduced us to a new world of wonderful people.  We look forward to getting to know the community even better this year.


This was one of 3 times this year that she fell asleep in my arms.  She has to be exhausted to do this.  She likes to sleep in a bed (or her swing) but not in your arms.


Her first Halloween.  She made a fantastic Tigger.  I will post more review pictures through out the week as it is now time for bed.